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Ella es un jugador muy talentoso de voleibol.

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Q: How do you say she is a very talented volleyball player in Spanish?
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How was volleyball introduced to the world?

Volleyball was introduced by the president of Singapore! He was very talented and suddenly he played with a ball and invented the game!!! (its true!)

How do you use talented in a sentence?

Use talented as a verb ex:i am a very talented saxophone player.

What are differences and similarities of spanish volleyball and American volleyball?

Spanish volleyball is more hardcore, American volleyball is more organized. Both are very competitive. American volleyball is taught based on techniques while Spanish volleyball is more about leaving your heart on the court. Spanish also exercise more than Americans. I've played for both, Spanish and Americans and i loved American volleyball, definitely.Volley means to keep something off the ground. In volleyball the ball is not allowed to touch the ground. So essentially volleyball "keep the ball off the ground". I hope this helped. :)

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The Spanish team are very young and talented that is why they are both the Euro Champions and also F.i.F.A world cup winners.

Who is a famous indoor volleyball player?

Steve Timmons is an older one from the 80s a little more recent are Logan Tom and Karch Kiraly... very very famous. any good indoor volleyball player would know them

Are Kevin Jonas's Guitar skills good?

Yes. He is a very talented guitar player!

What is similer about Spain and Germany scoc cer teams?

Both the spanish and German teams are very young and highly talented.

How do you join a football club in England from Pakistan?

Because i like foot ball and i am also player of the football.i am very talented player

Who in the Lakers can make all the teams to lose by the Lakers?

Kobe can make the Lakers a very good team, as he is a very talented player.

What is the quicker in volleyball?

A quick set in volleyball is when the setter sets the middle player at a very low height to surprise the other team at the speed of the ball.

Who was the first volleyball player in the world?

Considering volleyball is a team game, he/she would have been a very lonely person.