In Spanish, Kirby is pronounced as "Ker-bee." The letter "i" in Spanish is pronounced as "ee," and the letter "y" is pronounced as "ee" as well. Therefore, the pronunciation of Kirby in Spanish follows these phonetic rules.
Buenos dias. (there is an accent on the letter "i" in "dias")
very easy...just one letter changes: "en"
Wolverine, as in the animal = glotón Wolverine, as in the X-Men character = Lobezno in Spain
You say veintycinco por cuatro es cien
There are few words that star with X, so the answer is NO
In Spanish, Kirby is pronounced as "Ker-bee." The letter "i" in Spanish is pronounced as "ee," and the letter "y" is pronounced as "ee" as well. Therefore, the pronunciation of Kirby in Spanish follows these phonetic rules.
Pencil in spanish is lapiz with an accent on the [second letter].
Some Spanish words that have the letter "x" in them are "extranjero" (foreigner), "examen" (exam), and "excepción" (exception).
if you mean how do you say yes in spanish its "si" or if you say the letter "C" in english its the same.
The pronoun I is "yo." The letter I in Spanish has the sound of a long E (ee). So does the letter y, which is the word for "and."
The letter d is spelled the same in Spanish as in English, d.