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Q: How many people are named Hailey in the US?
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How many people are named Hailey?

It is impossible to say how many people have a certain name. Not all countries register all births and record such things. Nor is there any centralised register. In addition similar names can be totally different in different languages and contractions of names differ from place to place.

How many people are named Isabella?

As of 2021, approximate estimates suggest that there are around 172,000 people named Isabella in the United States alone. The popularity of the name Isabella has been consistently high in recent years.

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How many people are named Juan?

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How many people are named rachel in the US?

As of 2021, there are approximately 1,180,000 people named Rachel in the United States. Since this data is subject to change each year, you may want to consult the latest statistics for a more accurate count.

How many people are named Carson in the US?

As of 2021, there are approximately 190,000 people in the United States with the first name Carson. This information is based on data from the Social Security Administration.

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As of 2021, there are approximately 60,000 people in the United States named Autumn. It ranks as the 256th most popular name for girls in the US.

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Around 3,130

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There are approximately 53,000 people in the US named Alec.