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Pizzicato - to be plucked with the finger

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Q: Italian word for plucking the violin?
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What is the Italian word for plucking a violin?

Plucking the strings of a violin is called pizzicato.

What is the italic word for playing violin by hand?

All violins are played by hand. However, if you mean what is the Italian word for plucking the violin strings rather than using the bow, it is pizzicato.

What is the of the word pizzicato?

Pizzicato is a musical direction, referring to plucking the strings of a violin or other stringed instrument with one's finger. It comes from the Italian meaning "pinched" or "twitched."

The Italian word for plucking the strings?

coglitura delle stringhe

Where did the word violin come from?

From the Italian violino, equivalent to a viol(a)

What is the Italian translation of 'plucking the strings'?

Pizzicato is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "plucking the strings."Specifically, the word is a masculine noun. Its singular definite article il means "the." The pronunciation is "PEET-tsee-KAH-toh."

Which motion brings the sound of a violin?

Either plucking or sawing (bowing).

What is the upper bout on the violin for?

I'm not 100% sure but I think it's for plucking the strings

What are the two ways a musical sound cam be made on a violin?

Using the bow or plucking the string.

What language does the name of the instrument known as a violin come from?

From the Italian word violino, a diminutive of viola.

What are the letters 'mf' on a violin when translated from Italian to English?

The letters mf on an Italian violin refer to mezzo forte, an Italian musical term for "medium loud."

Is a 1920 Italian violin better than a 1750 British violin?

No. The older the violin, the better the sound.