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The clue to the game is the name of the game. The name of the game is polar bears around the ice hole, or in the days of Genghis Khan: Pedals around the rose.

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Q: Polar bears around the ice hole riddle?
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What is the answer to polar bears around an ice hole level two fish under an ice hole?

The answer is however many of the dots of the dice are on the bottom of the dice: if you rolled 1 you would have 6, 2 you would have 5 etc.

What is the answer to this riddle with mist I am a wrong that says you need some drilling with tooth a problem A hole in need of filling?

Ache (mistake, toothache)

What gets bigger the more you take out of it?

A hole in the ground.

How much dirt is in a 6 x 6 x 6 hole?

The size of the hole is irrelevant, there is 'nothing' in a hole.

Cannot be seen cannot be felt cannot be heard cannot be smelt it lies behind stars and under hills and empty holes it fills it comes first and follows after ends life and kills laughter?

Time. Contrary to common belief, it's not 'darkness'. I don't die at night when the lights are off, and I can think of something funny in complete darkness and laugh. You can also see darkness. Time is omnipresent, it's everywhere. Darkness, a LACK of light, can't 'fill' anything, because it's a lack of light. Everything ends with time, and nothing lasts forever. You can't laugh forever, you'd die. Darkness. Seen in all of the editions of "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien, this riddle is answered by Bilbo Baggins in a riddle contest with the creature Gollum. "Unfortunately for Gollum Bilbo had heard that sort of thing before; and the answer was all around him any way. "Dark!" he said without even scratching his head or putting on his thinking cap." One might be able to argue that a correct answer to the riddle is Time, but I cannot see how time could fill a hole and kill laughter.

Related questions

How do polar bears hunt a seal?

by waiting next to a seals breathing hole

Do polar bears live in a hole?

They tunnel into the snow.there cubs are born in the warmth of the snow

Is direct cool fridge economical to operate?

no you cheap a**hole, it kills polar bears

What is the answer to polar bears around an ice hole level two fish under an ice hole?

The answer is however many of the dots of the dice are on the bottom of the dice: if you rolled 1 you would have 6, 2 you would have 5 etc.

Will polar bears live?

Probably no. Polar bears live on the North Pole not the South. Most polar bears live in Alaska, Canada, and the North Pole. The North Pole is ice. Under it is water. When polar bears hunt they wait at a air hole for a seal. Now that the the Earth is warming seals don't have to make an air hole because in some places there is no ice. So there are less air holes and seals just get air anywhere without ice above them making it much harder for the ice bears to catch seals.

What do the dice equal in the game polar bears around an ice hole?

Spoiler follows:Any roll of an odd number has a pip in the middle. These pips are the ice holes. The other pips surrounding it are the polar bears. So a die roll of 1 has 0 polar bears, a die roll of 3 has 2 polar bears, a die roll of 5 has 4 polar bears.There is a variant or refinement of this game, where you have to say how many fish are under the ice. The secret of this one is to add up the numbers that are on the bottoms of the dice. You can, of course, determine which numbers are on the bottom by subtracting the numbers that are showing from 7 (for each die).

Where do polar bears sleep when it's winter?

On the ice or a snow bank. Most polar bears do not hibernate during the winter. Those that do are heavily pregnant sows that dig themselves a hole in a snow bank and stay there for several months to give birth to and care for their newborn cubs.

How can a pocket in a pair of trousers be empty and still have something in it?

This is a riddle. The answer to the riddle is that the pocket has a hole in it.

What do polar bears use to make there dens?

even though I dont actually know this, logic tells me they dig a hole in the snow..theres nothing else to do!

Why do polar bears need sea ice?

Polar bears eat seals. Seals swim faster than bears do, so the bears need a big area of ice floating on the sea. The bear waits by a hole in the ice. When a seal comes up through the hole for air, the bear is ready. Polar bears need food, and that's why they need ice. I don't know why or whether they need snow.

What animals hunt polar bears?

A Polar Bear's common pray is juvenile seals;However, the rumours of polar bears attacking humans whilst they are on expedition have put thoughts into some people's mind, polar bears will only attack ever attack a human for these reasons;A) The polar bear feels a threat towards themselves or their offspring.B) Whilst searching for food, if they see potential "competition" they will vanquish the potential enemy in order to feed their youngI hope this has helped :)

What is the answer to this ditloid riddle 1 H in a D?

1 hole in a donut