

Jokes with answers

Updated: 8/31/2023
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15y ago

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Why do girls like chocolate more than boys? It's called a HER-SHe bar! from today's family magazine______________________________________________________________________Why did the dog go out in the sun? HOT DOG! ______________________________________________________________________ What do you call a cake with cheese? A CHEESE CAKE! _______________________________________________________________________ If you mix the word one word in 1 word, what is that word? ONE WORD! _______________________________________________________________________ Spell ICUP. I see(c) you(u) pee!(p) _______________________________________________________________________ that's all for today!

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15y ago
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A question and answer joke is called a riddle. Examples:

Q: What is worse than finding a worm in your apple?

A: Finding only half of a worm.

Q: What is worse than the taste of escargot going down?

A: The taste of escargot coming back up.

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