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I am the big/grand zombie.

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What does je suis assez grand mean?

I am rather tall

What does Je t'aime grand frère mean?

I love [you] big brother.

How do you say i am a zombie in french?

je suis un zombi

What does sin je je je mean?

sin je je je je means that to to to to

How do you say i am tall i am weird in french?

'je suis grand, je suis bizarre'

What does je suis sur que tu a un grand coeur mean in English?

I'm pretty sure you are generous

How do you say i am tall and nice in french?

Je suis grand(e) et gentil(le). OR Je suis sympa et grand(e).

What did mean by JE?

If you mean je in French, as in je joué or je fini, then it means I, as in I play or I finish. :0)

What does je mean in English?

Je means 'I'.

How do you say in French when I grow up I want to teach?

quand je serai grand je veux enseigner.

What do the words Je t'aime and Je t'adore mean?

They mean 'I love you' and 'I adore you'

What does a je mir mean?

"a je mir" doesn't mean anything in French.