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the ( preceding a word beginning with a vowel)

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Q: What does a l' in french mean?
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What does L- Jay mean in French?

The same as English.

What does l' intrus mean in french word?

l'intrus = the intruder

What does the french saying L' audace 'L' audace toujours 'L' audace mean?

Audacity, audacity, always audacity!

What is l ouverture mean in french?

"L'ouverture" means the opening; the verb to open is spelled "ouvrir" in French.

What does l pleur de mon cour mean in french?

"l pleur de mon cour" doesn't mean anything in French. But "Il pleut dans mon coeur" means 'it is raining in my heart".

What does l' e'coss mean?

l'écosse is the name of Scotland in French.

What is 'their birthday is on' in French?

if by 'their' you mean his/her, then: "son anniversaire est le/l' [date]" if by 'their' you mean a group of people: "leur anniversaire est le/l' [date]

What does une salope mean in French?

'une salope' is a disparaging French word meaning "s-l-u-t"

What does l' heure mean in french?

L'heure in French means "the time". Example: "Time for bed" in French would be l'heure de se coucher.

What does de l' apre's-midi mean in french?

De l'apres-midi = from, or of, the afternoon.

What is l ete mean?

" l'été " is the name of the season "Summer" in French.

What does Santa hat mean in french?

le chapeau du Père Noël