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Basically it translates to something like "It's 10:30, and all is well." Literally it translates to: It is 10:30, and serene.

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Q: What does las diez y media tiempo sereno mean?
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What does diez y media mean?

Diez y media means "ten-thirty" in Spanish. It refers to the time of 10:30 on a clock or watch.

What does the spanish word Sereno mean?

The word 'Sereno" in Spanish means Serene in English which means calm or peaceful.

Trabajo a las diez y media what does this mean in English?

It means, "I work at ten thirty." It cannot be determined if a.m. or p.m. is intended.

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"Salir a tiempo" means to leave or depart on time. It implies being punctual and not running late for a scheduled event or appointment.

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"Quien" means "who" in Spanish and "qui tiempo" is not a correct Spanish phrase. If you meant to say "¿Qué tiempo?" it translates to "What time?" or "What weather?" depending on the context.

Whar does tiempo mean in Spanish?

Tiempo means time in Spanish.

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¡Hombre, que "diez" debe ir con una "zeta" bien hecha!Son las D I E Z y media= 10:30

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"Mas Tiempo" translates into Spanish as "longer".

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tiempo=time novio=boyfriend Hope that helps...

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Las diez menos tres --- 9:57 Diez menos tres --- 10-3 (a subtraction)

What does the Spanish word tiempo mean?

The Spanish word "tiempo" translates to "time" in English.

What does proximo tiempo mean?

"Próximo tiempo" is Spanish for "next time" or "coming time." It refers to the future or the next occurrence of an event.