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My favourite work of art

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Q: What does mi obra de arte favorita mean in English?
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What is obra translated from spanish to english?

Obra in Spanish means work or artwork in English, in the sense of a work of art only. Both languages form the plural by adding the s ending: obras, works.Obra as distinguished from trabajo:un buen trabajo - a good piece of workuna buena obra de arte - a good piece of artworkHere are more translations of obra in context:obra escultórica - sculptural workobra escrita - written workobra de música - work of musicobra musical - musical workobra coreográfica - choreographic workobra de teatro - a play / a theatrical playIt is also worth noting that the plural, obras, is usually used without accompaniment to refer to engineering works, such as repairs to subway lines. The Spanish expression "está en obras" translates to the British expression "it is in works" and the American expression "it is under repairs".

What does la obra mean?

obra: workSuch as a painting, "work of art."or in construction, construction workor a literary work.NOT to be confused with trabajo, which is also work, in the sense of a job.

How do you say wip in spanish?

If you mean 'whip': azotar = to whip (verb) un azote = a whip (noun) If you mean "work in progress" obra/trabajo en progreso = work in progress the abbreviation WIP can also be used for "work in progress" in Spanish, but is used much less than "obra en progreso" or "trabajo en progreso"

What does Ella juega el papel de un personaje en una obra teatral o en una pelicula mean?

She plays the role of a character in a theatrical play or a movie. NOTE The word Juega, from the root Jugar means to play, but only in the way a child has fun,. This is not the proper word for "play a role or character" in a play. In Spanish, an actor interprets a character, they don't "play" one. The correct Spanish sentence should read "Ella interpreta el papel de un personaje en una obra teatral o en una película" The word Juega when referring to an actor playing a role is used quite a bit, but it is a bastardization of Spanish. It is a direct translation of the word Play in English rather than the proper Spanish word. This is known as Spanglish or engañol. Also the word "play" referring to a theatrical play is "obra", not juega. And the word meaning to play a musical instrument or music is "tocar"

How do you spell play in Spanish?

For "to play" as in a child playing, the Spanish verb is "jugar." It is pronounced, "hoo-GAR." The noun is juego (act of playing). For "a play" (theater drama), the Spanish noun is obra (de teatro), also drama.

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What does titulo de la obra de arte mean?

Title of the artwork

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The cast of Haz de tu vida una obra de arte - 2013 includes: Daniela Costa as Candela Luis Hostalot as Lucas Sandra Marchena as Loreto Isabelle Stoffel as Claudia

How do you say you like drawing in spanish?

Haga / hagan / haz / haced un dibujo.

What does the medical abbreviation Obra mean?

Obra is Nursing Home Reform Laws of 1987 that established rights for nursing home residents.

What is obra translated from spanish to english?

Obra in Spanish means work or artwork in English, in the sense of a work of art only. Both languages form the plural by adding the s ending: obras, works.Obra as distinguished from trabajo:un buen trabajo - a good piece of workuna buena obra de arte - a good piece of artworkHere are more translations of obra in context:obra escultórica - sculptural workobra escrita - written workobra de música - work of musicobra musical - musical workobra coreográfica - choreographic workobra de teatro - a play / a theatrical playIt is also worth noting that the plural, obras, is usually used without accompaniment to refer to engineering works, such as repairs to subway lines. The Spanish expression "está en obras" translates to the British expression "it is in works" and the American expression "it is under repairs".

What does OBRA mean?

obra: workSuch as a painting, "work of art."or in construction, construction workor a literary work.NOT to be confused with trabajo, which is also work, in the sense of a job.

What does la obra mean?

obra: workSuch as a painting, "work of art."or in construction, construction workor a literary work.NOT to be confused with trabajo, which is also work, in the sense of a job.

What does the spanish word obra mean?

La obra means 'work of art.' (McDougal Littell ¡En español! Level 2 Unidad 1 Etapa 2)

What is como se llamo el autor de la obra in English?

What is the name of the author of the work.

What is lander obra in Japanese word?

In katakana, Lander Obra would be spelled: ランダー (Lander) オブラ (Obra).

Es una obra literaria?

Sí, una obra literaria es un trabajo escrito que se considera una forma de arte expresiva. Puede abarcar una amplia variedad de géneros, como novelas, poemas, cuentos, ensayos, entre otros. Estas obras suelen tener un propósito creativo, estético o educativo.

Es alegoria ficcion o no ficcion?

Puedo ser ficción o no ficción. Un alegoria es un poema, historia, o obra de arte que se puede interpretar como esta transmitiendo un sentido oculto.