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"le savoir-faire" (masc., takes no plural mark as it is formed from two verbs)

it is the knowledge and skill required to do something correctly; the know-how.

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Q: What does the french word savoir faire mean?
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French Word- the Ability to know and do the right thing at the right time?

I think you may mean 'savoir faire', which literally means 'to know how to do'

Savoir-faire can also mean expertise or know-how?

I don't think there's much difference between the two terms, but I would say that 'savoir-faire' is the English word know-how transposed into French. Perhaps you could say that it is slightly more general than expertise.

Prince songs with the word savoir faire?

7 =)

What does the word savoir mean in French?

Savoir (verb) means "to know". "Le savoir" (masculine noun) means the knowledge.

What does the french word faire mean?

faire means 'to do, to make' in French.

What does The French word savoir mean in English?

It means "to know".

What does french word laissez-faire mean?

Yes, laissez-faire is a French word made up of the two verbs 'laisser' (to let, to tolerate, to accept) and faire (to do)

In French what is the word do?

to do is 'faire' in French.

What does the french word faire du canoe-kayak mean?

To do kayaking or caneoing. Faire literally means "do" and "du" means "the".

What is a french word for cooking?

The French word for cooking is cuisinière

Is 'Thanksgiving faire' correct usage for the word faire?

No, you mean the word "fare".