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'un nounours' is a Teddy bear in French.

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What does un nounours beige pour mon amie mean in English?

Don't have a clue sorry

What is the French 'un nounours' in English?

a teddy bear

What is the French 'nounours' in English?

"Teddy bear" is an English equivalent of "nounours."Specifically, the French word is a masculine noun. Its singular definite article is "le" ("the"). Its singular indefinite article is "un" ("a, one").The pronunciation is noo-noorce."**The sound "-rce" is similar to that in the English noun "source."

How do they call a teddy in French?

un nounours, un ours en peluche

What is 'Il s'appelle Nounours' when translated from French to English?

"His name is Teddy" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Il s'appelle Nounours. The declaration also translates literally as "He calls himself Teddy" or "He names himself Teddy Bear" in English. The pronunciation will be "eel sa-pel noo-noors" in French.

How do you say Teddy bear in French?

a Teddy bear is un nounours, un ours en peluche in French.

What does teddy mean in french?


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