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A RINO!!! right?

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Q: What has eyes but cant see a tongue that cant taste smell badley and has a back that can come on or off?
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How do you pronounce Ngan?

Pronunciation will depend on the language the word comes from. But guessing I would say the 'ng' is pronounced like the 'ng' in hang. So if you say hang and notice where you tongue is at the end of the word (the back of the tongue is against the palate) this is where you start Ngan. The 'a' in Ngan probably rhymes with baa (sheep noise). The 'n' is probably the same as 'n' in ban.

Jokes with answers?

Why do girls like chocolate more than boys? It's called a HER-SHe bar! from today's family magazine______________________________________________________________________Why did the dog go out in the sun? HOT DOG! ______________________________________________________________________ What do you call a cake with cheese? A CHEESE CAKE! _______________________________________________________________________ If you mix the word one word in 1 word, what is that word? ONE WORD! _______________________________________________________________________ Spell ICUP. I see(c) you(u) pee!(p) _______________________________________________________________________ that's all for today!

How can you physically stand behind your father while he is standing behind you?

Stand behind them on any of the 24 time zone lines, with both of you facing west. You'll be standing physically behind them, while they are standing an hour (or a day, if on the IDL) behind you.

What is the origin and meaning of back by popular demand?

It means people want it back and they brought it back, by popular demands.

If any one know how to say back off in french?

to back off = reculer Back off ! = reculez ! , or very rudely, degage !

Related questions

Where are the bitter taste buds are in your tongue?

They are furthest back on your tongue.

Where are the salty taste buds on the tongue?

In the back. Sweet is on the tip.

Tongue has taste buds to determine?

Four taste sensations: bitter (back of the tongue) sweet (tip of the tongue) salty (tip of the tongue) sour (sides of the tongue)

Where are the bitter taste buds located?

The area of the tongue that controls the taste and sensation of bitterness is located primarily in the back of the tongue, close to the uvula and going back towards the throat. The area of the tongue that controls the taste of sourness is located in the lateral-back of the tongue. The area that controls the sensation of saltiness is located on the lateral front of the tongue, and the part of the tongue that controls the sensation of sweetness is on the tip of the tongue.

How the snakes smell?

They flick out their forked tongue to gather molecules form the air and then draw the tongue back into the mouth over their organs of taste/smell in the roof of their mouths.

What is the use of a snake tongue?

Snakes use their tongue to smell. tongue collect smell particles from air and tongue places the collected particles in a receptor at back of the mouth to analize the smell.

List of the ereas of taste on the tongue?

the sweet taste buds are at the tip of the tongue. the bitter at the very back. the sour and salty at the sides.

What 4 groups are human taste buds divided into?

The front taste buds taste salty and sweet foods. The sides of your tongue taste sour foods. The taste buds on the back of your tongue taste bitter foods.

What can help you get your taste back if you have a cold?

Technically, we only "taste" sweet, sour, salt and bitter. The tongue can only sense those 4 tastes. The rest of what we often call "taste buds" is actually the smell of food. If you have a sinus infection you can often lose the sense of smell. As soon as your cold passes, you are decongested and you start feeling better, your sense of taste should come right back! If you can't taste anything at all, even after you are well, You may need some medical assistance in recovering your sense of smell. Unfortunately there are some who lose their sense of smell and never get it back. Only a doctor can assist you on this one.

Are there any taste buds in the middle of your tongue?

Bitter taste buds are found at the back of the tongue. Sweet/salty taste buds are in the front of the tongue, sour taste buds are on both sides whereas the middle of the tongue has very few taste buds at all.

Do cobras have a good sense of smell?

Sorta no and kinda yes They use there tongue to smell Snakes do not smell with their tongue, nor do they taste the air. Snakes have no sense of taste. They can use their nostrils to smell (the same olfactory sense we have), as well as vomeronasal or Jacobson's organs located at the roof of their mouth. Scent molecules are collected on each fork of the tongue (by the way, their forked tongue lets them know where the thing they are smelling is-left or right). The tongue is brought back into the mouth, and is brushed up against the vomeronasal organ, where the information is sent to the brain. The vomeronasal organ can be thought of as a more sophisticated sense of smell. It is found in some humans and apes, as well as horses and an array of other animals.

What is a cluster pink lumps on the back of the tongue?

The cluster of pink lumps you have on the back of your tongue are supposed to be there. These are part of your taste buds.