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puede usted darme un paseo de piggyback

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Q: What is 'Can you give me a piggyback ride' in Spanish?
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Is getting a piggyback ride flirting And is it wrong for 12 year olds to give each piggyback rides?

Getting a piggyback ride may or may not be flirting. It is not wrong for 12 year olds to give each other piggyback rides.

What do you call sitting on someones shoulders?

That would be called a piggyback ride.

How do you use word 'piggyback' in sentence?

My little brother was very tired, so I gave him a piggyback ride.

Would it be weird for a girl to give a guy a piggyback ride?

yes. It's kind of awkward... but unless it's their young son.

A girl asked me to give her a piggyback ride does she like me?

Giving someone a piggyback ride doesn't necessarily indicate romantic interest. It could just be a friendly gesture or a playful moment. To know if she likes you, consider her overall behavior and how she interacts with you in different scenarios.

How can you get a piggyback ride?

You jump on someone's back badabing badaboom! stupid!

Where did the piggyback ride originate?

Piggyback rides are called Piggyback rides because in the old language of Anglo Saxon, babies were called piggies. As you may or may not know Anglo Saxon infants were carried on their parents backs.

When Hannah Montana was photographed in a newspaper riding piggyback on a photographer did the headline say Hannah's Wild Ride?

yes it did say wild ride

How do you get a piggyback ride?

Well, i guess u could fake that ur tired or watever n' ask someone

Does rebecca black give piggyback rides?

No, probably not to random people.

Ride in Spanish?

The English word "ride," is spelt "paseo" in Spanish.

How do you get a piggyback ride from your councler?

I highly doubt u can... But i guess you could fake being faint or watever and ask them...Possibley they'll say yes.