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Salsa spaghetti is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "spaghetti sauce." The food-related phrase translates literally into English as "sauce (for, of, with) spaghetti." The pronunciation will be "SAL-sa spa-GET-tee" in Italian.

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Q: What is 'spaghetti sauce' when translated from English to Italian?
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What is 'sauce' when translated from English to Italian?

"Sauce" in English is salsa or sugo in Italian.

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"I can smell the sauce from here!" in English is Posso sentire il profumo del sugo da qui! in Italian.

What is 'hot sauce' when translated from English to Italian?

Salsa piccante is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "hot sauce." The feminine singular phrase also translates as "spicy sauce" in English. The pronunciation will be "SAL-sa peek-KAN-tey" in Italian.

What is 'ragù' when translated from Italian to English?

"Meat sauce" and "ragout" are English equivalents of the Italian word ragù. The masculine singular noun refers to a sauce of minced meat, onions, and tomatoes. The pronunciation will be "ra-GOO" in Italian.

What is 'delicious sauce' when translated from English to Italian?

Salsa deliziosa is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "delicious sauce." The pronunciation of the feminine singular noun and adjective will be "SAL-sa DEY-lee-TSYO-sa" in Italian.

What is 'tomato sauce' when translated from English to Italian?

Salsa di pomodoro is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "tomato sauce." The feminine singular noun, possessive preposition, and masculine singular noun translate lilterally into English as "sauce of tomato." The pronunciation will be "SAL-sa dee PO-mo-DO-ro" in Italian.

Where can I find recipes for spaghetti sauce online?

This spaghetti sauce is made with ground beef, Italian sausages, onion, garlic, prepared marinara sauce, tomatoes, and herbs. Serve this meat sauce with hot cooked spaghetti and Parmesan cheese.