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Q: What is a baby cat called in French?
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What is cat in French?

In French, a cat is called "chat" -- pronounced "shat".

What is the cat's child called?

Kitten is a baby domestic cat. Cub is a baby big cat.

How do you say a baby in French?

A baby is called 'un bébé' in French.

Abyssinian cat's baby is called?


What is the french children song little black cat?

There is a French children's song called the little black cat. The translation in French is Le Chat Noir.

What are the french word for cat?

"Un chat." A female cat is called "une chatte" and a kitten is called "un chaton".

Is a baby house cat called a cat cub?

no, not usually. Most people call them kittens.

Why is a baby cat called a kitten?

They are not called kittens they are called kits. "Kit" is short for "kittens" and, yes, some people do call them the full name. Baby rabbits used to be called "rabbits" -- the adults were called "coneys" (pronounced to rhyme with "honey"). More and more people dropped the word "coney" and started calling the adult animal "rabbit"; at this point, "kitten" was tacked on to mean baby rabbits.

What is called when this world is given a baby cat?

the circle of life...a kitten

How does the mother cat carry her baby?

A mother cat carries her baby in her gums. On her baby, there is a flop of fur called a scruff. The mother uses her gums to pull the scruff, making the baby hang from it painlessly. That's how they help their baby around the environment.

What is the difference from a kitten and a cat?

A kitten is a baby cat (under one year old), but is called a kitten. A cat is an adult cat, over one year in age.

What can a baby cat do?

A baby cat can be very small!