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1. What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, and if you eat it, you would die? A= Nothing. 2. A man enters a field with an unopened package and instantly dies. How? A= He jumped out of a plane and his parachute failed to open.

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10y ago

Everybody has their favorite riddles. Here are some good ones:

  • When you don't have me, you want me, but when you do have me, you want to give me away. What am I?
  • What asks, but never answers?
  • Fatherless, motherless and born without skin, I speak when I come into the world, but never speak again. What am I?
  • A casket with no hinges nor lid, yet inside golden treasure is hid. What am I?
  • What gets shorter as it grows older?
  • Brothers and sisters I have none, yet that man's father is my father's son. Who is that man?
  • I am colored red, blue, and yellow and every other hue of the rainbow. I am thick and thin, short and tall. I can eat a hundred sheep in a row and still be hungry. What am I?
  • What is greater than God, but more evil than the devil? The rich need it, but the poor already have it. If you eat it, you will die.
  • What is teary-eyed but never cries? Silver-tongued, but never lies? Double-winged, but never flies? Air-cooled, but never dries?
  • If you say my name, I'm not here anymore. What am I?
  • What has a mouth but cannot talk and runs but cannot walk?
  • A man rides into town by horse on Wednesday. He stays in the town for 3 days and leaves on Wednesday. How is this possible?
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jess jess i really like your chest take you for some dinner then ill rip off your dress lol

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good analogy

How do you get past the hall guard in riddle school 1?

just beat him up if your really really really tough

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What are you able to fill fire and draw?

A blank. Good Riddle!