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caca (meaning actual feces)

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Q: What is feces in spanish?
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What does merde mean in spanish?

It is a French swear word, the English equivalent of which is "Oh, s - - -!"

What does meirda mean?

Could you mean "mierda"? It's Spanish slang for feces.

Is it feces or feces?

Feces is correct in America. Faeces is correct in International English.

Why did your whole family turn into feces?

Because your feces has magical powers that turns anything it touches to feces, and one day your family thought your feces was cookies, ate it, and then they turned into feces! TADAA!

What does el popo mean in Spanish?

Literally, el popo means "the poop", also known as poo, excrement, bowel movement, or feces.

Is a sweet potato a squash or a potato?

A sweet potato is neither as it is actually a spanish baby, cooked in rhino feces until hard! thanks babe

Where does Guano originate from?

Guana is word in the Spanish language. It is used to describe the feces and urine of certain animals such as bats that live in caves, seabirds and seals.

Does feces stink?

Yes feces does stink.

Do children's feces stink?

Yes, children's feces often smells as offensive as adult feces.

Do dogs clean their teeth with feces?

No. There are parasites in feces. Consuming feces can make dogs sick or have worms.

What is scientific name of bull or cow feces?


Are feces a compound?

Feces are a very complex mixture.