

Best Answer

doré if it qualifies a masculine noun

dorée if it qualifies a feminine noun
doré, dorée

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Q: What is the French word for golden?
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What is the french word for golden rod?

Verge D' Or

What is the french word for labrador?

Labrador. (La bra d'or- the golden arm)

What does the French word 'dore' mean?

The French word 'doré' may be translated as golden, gold-tipped, gold-colored, gold, gilt, gilded. It also may mean 'bronzed' or 'tanned' in terms of skin; and 'golden brown' in terms of chicken. Or its meaning may be stretched to include 'luxurious'.doré means golden-coloured or covered in gold

The french word for 'the golden note'?

If "note" means a musical note, then the translation is as follows: "la note d'or".

What is the french word for 'golden Christmas note?

noel note d'or (there is some accents on the "o" and "e" in noel)

Spell golden in Italian and french?

in French, golden is 'doré / dorée'

What does golden mean In French?

It means exactly the same as it does in English. -If you mean "how is golden said in French", that's "or".

Is the word retreats a real word?

Yes I have a Golden Lab and she retrieves deer antlers. Yes. It describes retrograde motion. "The French army retreats when it encounters an enemy."

What is the gender of golden in French?

Golden can be written as a masculine (doré) or a feminine adjective (dorée) in French.

What is the Latin word for 'golden'?

oro is the latian word for golden

What shops sell golden root in France?

in the french golden root store

Can golden be an abstract noun?

No, the word 'golden' is not a noun.The word 'golden' is the adjective form of the concrete noun 'gold'.