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There are actually many ways to say 'beauty' in Latin. These translations include pulchritudo, forma, decor, pulchritudo, species, decus, and formositas.

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Q: What is the Latin word for beauty?
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Suffixes and prefixes for the word beauty?

There are thousands of different languages on Earth. However, beauty in the romance language is belleza (Spanish), beaute (French), bellezza (Italian), and pulchritudo (Latin).

Latin word for beauty?

Pulcher (pulchra, pulchrum).

Where did the word beauty originate?

It is an Old French-Mediaeval Latin corruption of the Latin bellus, meaning beautiful or fair.

Latin word meaning beauty?

According to google translate, it's Bella.

What is the current use of the word pulchritude?

The word "pulchritude" comes from the Latin "pulchra," meaning beautiful. Thus, pulchritude is just a fancy, more Latin-rooted way of saying "beauty."

What is the latin name for beauty?

decor : beauty, grace.

Of beauty in Latin?


What is the name for beauty in Latin?

The word for "beautiful", pulcher, -chra, -chrum, carries with it the notion of "to look at". There's also the adjective formosus, -a, -um, "well-formed; handsome", which is more specific to physical beauty. If you want to specify "to look at", you could use the second supine: pulchra spectatu, "beautiful to look at"; pulchra visu, "beautiful to see".

How do you use 'art and beauty' in a sentence in Latin?

The phrase 'art and beauty' may be used in a sentence in Latin in the following way: Ars et pulchritudo eunt manu in manu. In the word-by-word translation, the noun 'ars' means 'art'. The conjunction 'et' means 'and'. The noun 'pulchritudo' means 'beauty'. The verb 'eunt' means '[they] go'. The noun 'manu' means 'hand'. The preposition 'in' means 'in'.

What does 'pulchritude' mean?

The noun derives from the Latin root pulcher meaning beauty. It is usually a reference to a shapely or voluptuous feminine form, and as a slang reference to an ample female bosom. The adjective form is pulchritudinous.

What does the word kirsty symbolize?

"Kirsty" is a Scottish name that symbolizes beauty, resilience, and independence. It is derived from the Latin word "Christian" and represents individuals who are strong-willed and compassionate.

What is the root word of beautiful?

The root word of beautify is beauty.