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the Spanish words for king is 'rey"

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Q: What is the Spanish word for king?
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What is the spanish word got king?

¿Tienes rey?

What does mi rey mean in spanish?

It actually does mean something. "Rey" in Spanish actually means King. so Rey Mysterio means "King of Mysteries".

What is 'Rey' in french mean?

Nothing. It is a spanish word for King.

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Is there any word meaning road king in spanish?

road king is Carretera Rey king of the road is Rey de la carretera

A word in spanish that means 'king' but is not common and it starts with a also contains the letter Z?

The only word neer king and starts with the letter "C" is a Count in spanish "Conde" pernounced in spanish: cohn-deh Other words realted to King or Queen: emperor/ess (emperador/emperadora) duque/dutchess (duque/duquesa) pharao (faraon) But I don't think there is an other word for king that satars with a "C and contains a "Z".

What is king in spanish?

"Reyes" is a Spanish equivalent of "kings."The Spanish word is a masculine noun. Its plural definite article is "los" ("the"). Its plural indefinite article is "un" ("a, one").The pronunciation is "REH-ehs."

What does the spanish word reino mean in English?

kingdom and the king is el rey and reina is queen

Who was the king during The Spanish Inquisition?

King Ferdinand was the king during the Spanish Inquisition.

What is the Spanish translation of word KING?

'Los reyes catolicos' (The Catholic monarchs) were Ferdinand and Isabella

Is Philippines a Spanish word?

The name of the country, Philippines, derived from King Philip II of Spain. When some of the islands were "discovered" (even though there were natives residing on the islands), the "explorer" named it after the King of the country he was representing. So to make a long story short, The Philippines did not come from a Spanish word per se, but from a Spanish name.

How do you say king in Spanish?

King in Spanish is spelt 'Rey', pronounced 'rrayEE'