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nothing, there is nothing differant.

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Q: What is the difference between possum poop and raccoon poop?
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the difference is that it is poop and poopier

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the diffrence is that you tell them to make it

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What is the difference between an Indian man and a bag of poop?

they both smell

What is the difference between rat poop and mouse poop?

uhhh, the animal. Rat feces is larger than mouse feces (poop). they both basically look the same.

What is the difference between brown and green poop?

Because what you eat effects the color of you poop. If you poop is green or more likely to be brown that's good because it means you healthy. If your poop appears to be different then usually you should contact your doctor.

How is dog poop different from cat poop?

One difference is that dog poop dries out in the sun, while cat poop does not.

What is the difference between realignment and re-allocation?

Realignment means to real in a alignment from The Great Lakes. Re-allocation means to poop yourself.

What type of animal leaves little round poop balls other than rabbits?

If it is small, round, and black. Looks a little like a berry. That is deer.

How do you get rid of racoon's poop?

You can easily clean raccoon leftover with a brush and disinfectant. Try contacting The Critter Guy for more inspections because some raccoons living near your property could be the reason always to come back and to avoid having raccoon problems again.

Do flies like human poop than dog poop?

Flies like anything stinky, it wouldn't make much difference to them if it was from a dog or a human.