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Vivo ergo patior

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Q: What is the latin phrase for I live therefore I suffer?
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Translate the phrase you will live in latin?

Vives (singular); vivetis (plural)

What is the French translation for the phrase live the moment?

to live the moment is 'vivre l'instant' in French, or we could use the Latin "Carpe Diem".

What is the latin phrase that means to live?

Habitare. EDIT: Do you mean to live (in a place) or to live (life) Live in a Place: Habitare, Incolere Live Life: Vivare; Agere vitam

How do you say live with in Latin?

The phrase would be translated as 'habitat cum.' (Then the subject that the "with" was referring to would have to be mentioned in the original sentence.)

Does the sentence Trolls live under bridges elves do not contain a prepositional phrase?

Yes. Under is a preposition and bridges is the object of under; therefore under bridges is a prepositional phrase.

Audi vide tace si vis vivere in pace?

The meaning of this Latin phrase is 'Listen, see, be silent if you wish to live in peace'

Do iguanas live in Latin America?

They do live in America,but not in ''Latin America.''

Is you live in the city a prepositional phrase?

Yes, "in the city" is a prepositional phrase because it begins with a preposition ("in") and describes a relationship between the noun "you" and its location "the city."

What is the English translation of the Latin text 'Quod vixi tege quod vivam rege'?

The English translation of the Latin phrase 'vivere vita uberte' is To live life fruitfully. In the word-by-word translation, the infinitive 'vivere' means 'to live'. The noun 'vita' means 'life'. The adverb 'uberte' means 'fruitfully'.

Do horses live in Latin America?

Horses do live in most of Latin America.

Do warthogs live in latin America?

Warthogs live in zoos in Latin America. They live in the wild in Africa.

Where do most people live in Latin America?

They mainly live in major cities of Latin America.