Nastia is simply a nickname for the name Anastasia which is Nastia's real name. Anastasia means "she who will rise again"
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Nastia's real name is Anastasia.
Anna Liukin
Nastia Lukin is a professional gymnast.You go to google type in her name and hit enter.She lives in Plano,Texas.
Nastia Liukin's father is Olympic gold medalist Valeri Liukin - the first man to do a triple backflip.
Nastia from Minsk .
Yes, and it's Nastia Luikin, not Nastia Lieken, thank you very much!
Nastia has three dogs
Nastia Liukin is not married.
Nathan Twaddle, Nastia Liuken
Nastia Luikin is 22 years old
Nastia Liukin goes by Nast.