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It is called a circumflex.

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What is the name of the horizontal line over a vowel?

In certain languages, such as Latin and pinyin Mandarin, a macron is placed over the top of a vowel. The most common use for this diacritic is to indicate the long vowel in a word.

A bar over a vowel indicates that the vowel is?

A bar over a vowel, also known as a macron, typically indicates a long vowel sound in phonetics. It shows that the vowel is pronounced for a longer duration than a short vowel.

What is the line over a vowel called?

Over a long vowel it is called a breve, and over a short vowel, I believe it is called a circumflex.

Is A bar over a vowel indicates that the vowel is .?


What is a vowel with a breve over it called?

a short vowel

What is the mark over a vowel indicating it is sounded separately?

A horizontal line This "horizontal line" that indicates a long vowel is called a Macron. The curved line(the "smile") over a short vowel is a Breve.

A bar over the vowel indicates that the vowel is what?


How do you say today in hawaiian?

"Today" in Hawaiian is "ʻauhea", and it is often used in greeting someone or when asking what's happening at that particular moment.

What is a curved mark over a vowel used to show that it has a short vowel sound?

A breve is a symbol used to indicate a short vowel sound in phonetics and linguistics. It looks like a curved mark placed over a vowel.

What is the mark over a short vowel called?

The mark over a short vowel is called a breve. It is a diacritical mark used in various languages to indicate a short or light pronunciation of the vowel it is placed over.

What is over a vowel in German?

In German, an umlaut (¨) is placed over a vowel to indicate a change in pronunciation. It typically affects the sound of the vowel, making it sound different from its un-umlauted version. The three vowels that can take an umlaut are a, o, and u.