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queen = reina

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Q: What is the spanish word for queen?
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Queen in different languages?

Here are how you say "queen" in a few languages: Spanish: reina French: reine German: Königin Italian: regina

What is the spanish queen called?

Reina is the Spanish word for (Queen) Sofia is the current crown-holder.

What does the word reina mean in spanish?

It means 'queen'.

Riena in English?

The English translation of the Spanish word Reina is queen.

How do you say the word bee in Spanish?

bee = abeja. queen bee = abejon

How do you spell queen in Puerto Rican spanish?

"Reina", it's the same spanish word in Puerto Rico and every other spanish speaking nation

What is mi reina in spanish?

It is a term of endearment meaning "My Queen".

What did Queen Elizabeth have to do with the Spanish Armada?

Queen Elizabeth was the queen of England when the English were attacked by the Spanish.

What does the spanish word reino mean in English?

kingdom and the king is el rey and reina is queen

What connectoim does queen elizabeth have with the spanish armada?

She was queen during the Spanish Armada, and she made the spanish armada happen.

How do you spell drag queen in spanish?

"Drag queen" is an English expression which has no real translation in Spanish.

You are the queen in Spanish?

"You are the queen" in spanish is: "Usted es la reina" If you need more tranlating, go to: