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'Mushi' (虫) is bug in Japanese.

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Q: What is the word 'bug' when translated from English to Japanese?
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Stink bug (a type of bug that has a really bad smell) in Indonesian is called 'Walang sangit'.

What bug starts with j?

June bug, Japanese beetele.

What is the origin of the word bug?

1620s Middle English bugge, meaning an insect.

How do you say bug in French?

French terms for the English word "Bug" -Bestiole /bɛstjɔl/ feminine noun (familiar) # creepy-crawly (colloquial), bug; # animal. Insecte / Masculine Noun

Did the doodle bug have a pilot?

No, they were German not Japanese.

How do you say pincher bug in spanish?

The word for stink bug in Spanish is chinche. The word for stink bug in Italian cimice. The word for stink bug is bug puanteur.

How do you say bug in Swahili?

mdudu (pl. wadudu).A bug in a machine or a program would probably be called tatizo, problem. I.T. technicians might well use the English word "bug in their technical discussions and writing.

What does Shakespeare mean by the word bug?

Shakespeare uses the word "bug" to mean a bugbear (this is a word Shakespeare also uses), a spook, a bogeyman (a word which derives from "bug"), something to frighten children. In a famous early-sixteenth century version of the Bible, Ps. 91 is translated "Thou shalt not need to be afraid for any bugs by night." The KJV substituted the word "terror". Shakespeare uses this word only five times, perhaps most characteristically in A Winter's Tale: "Hermione: Sir, spare your threats: The bug which you would fright me with I seek."

What is the Italian word for bug?

bug = insetto

How many syllables are in the word bug and what is the vowel sound to the word bug?


How many syllables in the word bug?

There's one syllable in the word bug.

What is 'red bug' in Italian?

A bug is a small insect. The word 'bug' tends to be translated into Italian as 'cimice', which actually refers specifically to bed bugs. So perhaps a more comfortable equivalent is insettino rosso. In the word by word translation, the masculine gender noun 'insettino' means 'little insect'. It's formed by adding the diminutive ending '-ino' to 'insetto'. The masculine adjective 'rosso' means 'red'.