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J, v and q never occur finally in a normal English word. J is found in foreign loan words like raj, meaning the British power in India. Q only appears finally in foreign words like coq au vin and foreign place names like Iraq. V only occurs finally in the jail-yard slang word shiv, meaning a home-made knife.

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Q: What letter is never found in the alphabet?
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Jacques Cousteau was found under the letter "C" in the alphabet.

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Assuming A=1 and Z=26 and the question is asking about the modern English/ Latin alphabet, the letter V is found in the 22nd place. To reach this answer, simply say the alphabet while counting each letter as one place.

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The letter c is the third letter from the begining of the alphabet, right after b. You can see this like so, A, B, C. Its is also know as being found by being the third best or hightest in rank of the alphabet.

Which letter is last in the alphabet?

The last letter included in the English alphabet was the letter J