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Here are some words that rhyme with poop, maybe you can find one that smells bad:

1 syllable:

boop, coop, coupe, croup, doupe, droop, drupe, dupe, goop, group, groupe, grupe, hoop, houp, hupe, knoop, koop, loop, loup, loupe, lupe, roop, roope, roupe, rupe, scoop, shoop, shoup, shoupe, shupe, sloop, snoop, soup, stoop, stoup, stroop, stroope, stroup, stroupe, swoop, swoope, throop, troop, troup, troupe, whoop

2 syllables:

age group, air group, arup, blood group, core group, duck soup, ground loop, jazz group, kin group, pea soup, peer group, play group, rap group, recoup, regroup, rock group, scout group, scout troop, war whoop

3 syllables:

abo group, as a group, battle group, chicken coop, chicken soup, ethnic group, ethyl group, green pea soup, guadalupe, guadeloupe, interest group, intergroup, kinship group, lentil soup, linkage group, make a scoop, methyl group, pressure group, social group, splinter group, turtle soup, vinyl group, working group

4 syllables:

amphibole group, animal group, arsenic group, Basketball hoop, cyanide group, encounter group, green turtle soup, helium group, methylene group, mock turtle soup, musical group, vegetable soup

5 syllables:

embroidery hoop

6 syllables:

biological group, mathematical group, occupational group

7 syllables:

revolutionary group


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