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Q: Who modled for the prince?
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The flinstones is modled after what sitcom?

'The Honeymooners'.

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The answer is...... After the English Parliament

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Janie Porter Barrett

Why are SpongeBob square?

Cause he is a sea sponge, but he is modled after a kitchen sponge, which is square.

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Modled by their experiences.

Who was Miss Piggy modled after?

Miss Piggy was not modeled after a specific person. The creator described her as a truck driver who wanted to be a woman.

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Yes they did and the set was always modled after it so Yes they did shoot the pilot episode there.

What type of a fish is Bubbles?

Bubbles, one of the fish characters from the animated movie "Find Nemo" appears to be modled after the Yellow Tang, or Zebrasoma flavescens.

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That's how the thrones are shapedon Olympus, so that's what they modled it after.

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The paso doble is modled after spanish bullfights and it oriinated in south France where it got its name from the french military march paso redoble.

Which character in Seinfeld was modeled after the shows creator?

George Costanza is modeled after Larry David. Cosmo Kramer is modled off of Larry David's neighbor Kenny Kramer. And obviously Jerry is Himself

How do you spell modled?

The correct spelling is "modeling" (noun model, verb to model).