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Then it would be my johnson...err...a foot.

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Q: Why can't your nose be twelve inches long?
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Why can a rabbit not have a nose twelve inches long?

Because then it would be 1 foot long.

Why can't a man's nose be twelve inches long?

Because it would be a foot.

Why do you suppose it should all be wrong if your nose were twelve inches long?

Because then it would be a foot!

How long is a anteaters nose?

12 inches

How long of Libery's nose?

The width of her nose is 4 feet,6 inches

Why is the longest human nose on record only 11 inches long?

because if it was 12 inches it would be a foot- not a nose. haha -_-

How long does nose hair grow in a lifetime?

540 inches.

Why isn't your nose 12 inches long?

then it would be a foot

How long do bottlenose dolphins get?

a bottle nose dolphins height is 15 inches long

How long is Spongebob Squarepants nose?

Although the exact length isn't really known, you can see that SpongeBob's nose is as long as his whole hand. You can get an approximate estimate of the length: for example, if SpongeBob is about 4 inches tall, then his nose would be maybe around an inch, judging by the proportions. If he's about 6 inches tall, then his nose may be around 1 1/2 inches long.

Who is the one with the long nose in the Muppets?

i cant remember how to spell it but its pinochio

If your nose was twelve inches long would you call it a foot?

no it would still be your nose even though it is rather long....what a dumb question to ask.! The question being subtly asked here is; Because some things have been scientifically measured and checked do they need to be accepted as scientific fact or does the name mean nothing in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary of long held beliefs?