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No. A stapler is considered a compound machine since it is made up of more than one simple machines - the lever and the wedge. Some internet sources include the inclined plane and wheel and axle.

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Yes, yes it is indeed

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Q: Is a stapler a simple machine?
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What kind of simple machine is staples?

A stapler is a simple machine to staple (fasten) together material - paper, cloth, wooden panels, etc.

What machine is made from two ore more simple machines?

A stapler. It has a wedge and a lever.

What type of machine would a stapler inclined plane wedge screw pulley wheel and axle lever?

A stapler is a compound machine. It is made up of a lever and a wedge.

What is a machines?

A machine is a tool for doing work with your hands. it is different from a simple machine. A simple machine, such as a lever, a pulley, or an inclined plane, that alters the magnitude or direction, or both, of an applied force; a simple machine. A machine is any device that transmits energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks. A machine is basically described as a device with moving parts that uses mechanical energy. Examples of simple machines are pulleys,a stapler,and a bicycle chain.

What are two compound machines?

For example, a wheelbarrow consists of a lever, as you read earlier in the lesson "Simple Machines," and also a wheel and axle. Other compound machines, such as cars, consist of hundreds or even thousands of simple machines. Two common examples of compound machines are scissors and fishing rods with reels.

What is the function of simple machine?

The purpose of a simple machine is to facilitate or make whatever job you are doing easier. For Ex. A stapler uses a lever. Which is easier forcing a staple with your fingers or just pushing a piece of plastic.

Is an airplane a simple machine?

An airplane is not a simple machine. A lever is a simple machine. A wheel is a simple machine. Any machine that can be described by a mathematical formula is a simple machine.

Which is a type of simple machine?

A pulley isn't a kind of simple machine, it is a simple machine

Is a pulley a simple machine or a complex machine?

simple machine

Is a hammer a simple or compex machine?

Its a simple machine which can crush any complex machine

When were stapler invented?

In the 1860's brass wire staples were made, and the machine to dispenser them was made in 1866

Is a windmill a simple machine?

yes it is a simple machine... the wind blowing on the wheel and axle makes it a simple machine