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Machines are made or designed to help men do jobs easier. even before they used simple machines to help them do heavy work such as pulleys and lever.

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Q: What are the advantages of machines in human life?
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What two advantages did mechanization offer?

Mechanization is the use of machines to do work instead of a human. Two advantages of mechanization are saving on the cost of labor and no risk of human error.

How are machines affecting humans?

Making the human life very lazy

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What are the advantages on machines?

I thunk the advantages is that you can do things quicker!

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What are some advantages life has over machinery?

Life has many advantages over machinery. Life can reproduce and make copies of itself without the intervention of a different species to help. Life can learn and advance its knowledge base. Although some computers emulate this function, they are not truly learning. They are limited in their decision making capabilities. Machines cannot change the parameters of their decision making based on observations without the help of human input. Machines do not have the ability to repair themselves if they are injured. Life can regrow parts if they break in some cases, such as a lizard's tail. When life is injured, it has the capability to make its own repairs.

What are the advantages of machines?

we can do our work quicker..

Explain how science and technology affect human life?

science has brougt about the invention of cars and machines, and this machines release smoke into the air and this destroies the ozone layer

Machines made life today easier or harder explain?

With machines life is more difficult for the mind, but easier on the body. We need to be able to use more complicated things, but we don't need to do much heavy lifting any more.

What are the advantages of using automatic machining?

More precise working - machines will always be more precise than human hands. Significantly faster production. Cheaper.

Advantages of machines?

machines are very big and large in size .so that is uploaded heavy weight....

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The Addressing Maching