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Q: What factor other than bandwidth can also affect the rise time of a square wave?
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What is a square factor?

They are square factors that are factors of other numbers as for example 9 is a square number that is a factor of 27

What is the perfect square factor of 10?

10 has no perfect square factors (other than the trivial factor 1).

Does every integer have a factor with a square root?

Yes, since one is a perfect square. But that's not helpful. Other than one, not every integer has a factor with an integral square root.

What is the greatest perfect square of 650?

650 has no factor that is a perfect square, other than 1.

What is the perfect square factors for 50 times 90?

The perfect square factor of 50 is 25 and the perfect square factor for 90 is 9. The perfect square factors for 50x90 25x9. Of course we also have the other factors of 2 and 2x5.

What factor of 12 other than 1 is also a square number?

The number 4

What is the difference between regular and dedicated bandwidth?

Regular bandwidth means you are sharing bandwidth with other people on the network so the more people on the network the slower one's connection will be. Dedicated bandwidth guarantees one a certain amount of bandwidth that is not shared.

What is the difference between transmission bandwidth and channel bandwidth?

The transmission bandwidth refers to the range of frequencies that are being transmitted from one point to another. The channel bandwidth on the other hand refers to the frequencies of a given channel.

What are the three components of the economic cycle and how they affect each other?

Sectors of production and goods factor

What are the benefits of Bellnet?

Bellnet does not compromise its users bandwidth by sharing it among other users. You as a customer get your own dedicated bandwidth. They also offer internet bandwidth by volume.

What is bandwidth in LCR connection?

The bandwidth is the difference between the frequencies at which the average power dissipated is one half the maximum value or current is 1/square root(2) times its maximum value. One frequency is greater than and the other is smaller than resonant frequency and they are symmetrical about it.

Simplify the square root of 28?

First we have to factor the radicand into square factors (Hint: *The best squares* try 100, 25, 16, 9 and 4. If none of these work, then try other square factors.) 4 is a factor of 28 so we can rewrite √28 as √4x7 Since 4 is a square factor, we take the square root of 4 which is 2. We put the 2 in front of the radical symbol: 2√7 Now, the radicand is 7 which does does not have square factor. Therefore the simplified radical is 2√7 . this is read "2 times the square root of 7"