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Thrust is a reaction force described quantitatively by Newton's second and third laws. When a system expels or accelerates mass in one direction the accelerated mass will cause a proportional but opposite force on that system.

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14y ago

Thrust is the force that moves a plane forward or backward, if you decrease the degree of the plane. Example: instead of 90 degrees, move it to 10 degrees.

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Q: What is thrust force?
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What provides the force for thrust?

The engine provides force for thrust.

How is thrust different from force?

there is not much difference between thrust anf force...its just that thrust is the force acting perpendiclular to the surface thrust will always be either equal or greater than force.

Is thrust scalar or vector?

Thrust is a force and a force is a vector quantity having a magnitude and direction

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Is thrust the same thing as force?

Thrust is the force that pushes something (typically a rocket) forward. The term force is more general; there are many kinds of force.

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What is force of lift and thrust?

Lift is the force that acts upwards, perpendicular to the chord of the wing. Thrust is the force acting perpendicular to the propeller disc.

Is thrust the force non-contact or contact?

Thrust is a contact force as it needs a force to push it,when you are in a plane,upthrust is in contact with you to keep you up in the sky.

What is the difference between thrust and weight?

force applies perpendicularly is called thrust force which earths exerts on objests is weight

What is the source of the force of thrust for an airplane?

An engine is the usual source of thrust in an aircraft.

Is the upward force on a airplane wing a thrust?

No. We call the upward component of force "lift"."Thrust" is the component of force forward ... the direction the plane's nose points.

What is the force that accelerates a rocket?
