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Compound machines are things that are made up of 1 or more simple machines. A screw isn't made up of any simple machines unless you count the screw as a simple machine.

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Q: Why is a screw a simple machine and not a compound machine?
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Is a screwdriver a compound machine?

No, it is a simple machine. It is though slightly related with inclined plane, screw can be a separate introduction in simple machine.

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No. Gears are a type of simple machine. Combined with another simple machine, it would then make a compound machine.

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A pencil sharpener is a compound machine made up of simple machines, like the screw and lever.

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The skateboard have wheel & axle and screw, the wheel is obvious the wheel and the axle is the truck and i think the screw is the hardware.

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its a compound machine

Screw is a compound machine?

No, it is not.

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Its a simple machine machine i could see where your coming from thinking it is a compound machine. But i mean it is simple. Now i know a couple stores have compound machine

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simple machine

A scientific explanation for a simple machine?

A simple machine is a machine which does not use a motor and does not consist of more than one simple machine. There are six types of simple machines. Wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, lever, screw, and wedge. A complex machine uses a motor, and a compound is made up of one or more simple machines.

Is a jar lid a simple machine?

Yes. It is a screw action, which is a simple machine.