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Heredity. It's a fancy term for what is passed down to you from your parents.

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Q: I am 10 yrs old in 5th grade and I am 4 ft 5in why am I so short?
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What is the grade for a 10 year old?

5th or 4th grade. if the 1o year old is really smart, than it would probably be in a grade above 4th and 5th.

Is it normal for a ten-year-old in 5th grade to weigh more than her 12-year-old brother in sixth grade?

Not unless she's taller and has more muscles. If he's short, he might weigh less.

What grade is an 10 year old in?

usually 4th or 5th grade

What grade is a 10 year old from England in?

Here they would be 5th grade.

What grade should an eleven year old be in?

5th or 6th grade. Many students turn 11 while in 5th.

What grade is an 10 year old suppose to be in?

4th or 5th grade, depending on when their birthday is.

What grade should a 10 year old be in the states?

a 10 year old would usually be in 4th or 5th grade in the United States. (you're supposed to turn 10 sometime during 4th grade or the summer after, and then also be 10 when you begin 5th grade)

How old is khail Bryant?

she just started the 5th grade in my school.

What grade are you in when your 8 years old?

If the boy/girl started school late, 4th grade If the boy/girl started school early, 6th grade If the boy/girl started school on time, 5th grade

What year are you in at school if you are 10 years old?

If you are 10 years old, you would typically be in the fourth grade if you are in the American education system.

What grade is madisom pettis in?

she is 10 years old now, so she should be in the 5th grade, but she is home-schooled!! :)

What grade did Anne Frank go up to?

she died as a 13 yr. old and made it up to 5th grade