100 is an average IQ for ANY age. The IQ tests are not based on age. So 102 is fine.
Don't worry about IQ at 11 years old.
Well, I'm an 11 year old girl and my score was also 105. 100 is the average so you about average. You would have to be 130 or more to be considered above average or genius.
you where born in 1998 or 1999 depending on what year your counting from 2009 or 2010An 11 year old is born in the year 2002.
well I'm an 11 yr old girl from Scotland im in first year and i got 126.that tell u anything?
well im 11 in pretty good shape but im tall. so for me about 103-105. if you normal height and 11 probably 97-102.
Is 100 a good score for an 11 year old
yes it is a good phone for an 11 year old. but samsung galaxy y[young] is the best phone for 11 year olds.
The four feet eleven inches is good because the average is four feet ten inches but I don't think the 120 pounds is good
A good dog ifor a ll year old a border collie
I think a good game for 11 year old girls are ggg.com
Yes of coarse and there is nothing wrong with it. i know I had a boyfriend when i was 11 years old. Good luck! How does an 11 year old get a boyfriend?
not a good idea i would say
It is quite good.
yes it is
Baby Sitter
a lambo!!!