A score of 116 or more is considered above average. A score of 130 or higher is considered a high IQ.
That score is impossibly high.
I have an IQ of 260 on a good day, so yes, it is real.
Not all IQ tests are the same.I just finished the iqtestpro.com IQ test and I got IQ of 131, however when I did Mensa IQ test it was 134.You should try multiple tests to get the most accurate IQ score you can.
An IQ of 125 is a high IQ for a 40 year old, let alone a nine year old. However, while it is quite high, it might progress even further, but don't expect too much more. Usually, it stays the same throughout the rest of your life. But yes, it is a high IQ, considering the global average is 100.
google: kids IQ tests
I believe it is, because I think that is how high your IQ has to be in order to be gifted. If it is not a high IQ then it is a very close to gifted average IQ.
I think the average IQ score is 100. But if you are a kid. It probably is different.
An average IQ is 100. An IQ of 120 is high for anyone.
High IQ means people are genius from taking the test even it takes along time to be a high IQ to be a genius.
yes,it is possible to have an IQ that high because there is no IQ cap.
Yes. 119 is in the high end of the "Superior" range of intelligence.
130 iq
well no u have to make sure the stupied kid nose more!
No. Someone with less than 70 is considered retarded.
An IQ of 161 is very high- in the Genius range of IQ. Albert Einstein was estimated to have had an IQ of 161.