when a relationship is optional then the value of the modality is zero. when mandatory then the modality is one.
I guess you will just have to google it my friend.. Yours Faithfully Gedz
A database system is a term that is typically used to encapsulate the constructs of a data model, database Management system (DBMS) and database .. (natsume)
a functionaly dependency is an association between two relational attribute of same relational database.one of the attribute is known as determinant and the other one is determined.for the each value of determinant there is only one value associated of determined. graphicaly it can be represented A----->B .
Heap file organization Sequential File Organization Hashing File organization
Search operation in static hashing is time consuming, but in dynamic hashing it is not.
Indexes in DBMS are data structures used to quickly retrieve data based on specific columns in a table. They allow for faster query processing by reducing the number of records that need to be scanned. Hashing techniques in DBMS involve converting data into a hashed value using a hash function, which is then used to index or organize the data for faster retrieval. Hashing provides quick access to data by generating a unique location for each record based on its hash value.
1. Following are the different types of dbmsMySQLMicrosoft SQL ServerMS AccessFoxproSAPdBASETibero 6
Hierarchical DBMSNetwork DBMSRelational DBMS
Hashing is the most common form of purely random access to a file or database. It is also used to access columns that do not have an index as an optimisation technique. Hash functions calculate the address of the page in which the record is to be stored based on one or more fields in the record. The records in a hash file appear randomly distributed across the available space. It requires some hashing algorithm and the technique. Hashing Algorithm converts a primary key value into a record address. The most popular form of hashing is division hashing with chained overflow.
There are four types of DBMS users,Naive UsersOnline UsersApplication Program UsersDatabase AdministratorNote: The description of above points is currently not available.
DBMS is database management. Database is where the information is stored.
Hashing is the technique of to retrieving the datas in the database. for example,we created one index for one main table,so how we can retrieve the index from that main table? ans- to using one function we can retrieve the data,that function is called hash function. hash function format is h(search key)=pointer or bucket identifier.
Types of Attributes in Dbms areKey or non key attributesRequired or optional AttributesSimple or composite AttributesSingle-valued and multi-valued AttributesStored, Coded or derived Attributes
what i think,regrding the different types of DBMS based on the type of organisation of data are: 1)An Enterprise DBMS which is designed for scalability and high performance. It must be capable of supporting very large databases, a large number of concurrent users, and multiple types of applications. 2)A Departmental DBMS, sometimes referred to as a workgroup DBMS, supports small to medium sized workgroups within an organization, and typically runs on a Unix, Linux, or Windows 2000 (or NT) server. 3)A Personal DBMS is designed to be used by a single user, typically on a low- to medium-powered PC platform. A personal DBMS product is suited only for small scale projects and should not be used to deploy multi-user applications. 4)A Mobile DBMS is a specialized version of a departmental or enterprise DBMS. It is designed to be used by remote users who are not usually connected to the network(eg:laptop or handheld device, such as a Palm PDA or PocketPC). Furthermore, the mobile DBMS provides a mechanism for synchronizing remote database changes to a centralized, enterprise or departmental database server.
Armstrong rules are complete or sound in dbms by clarifying the types of situations which need to be achieved and done.