Surpass some earlier aim
One and eighty-nine hundredths liters.
H O S X Z Some words with horizontal symmetry are: * mom * wow Also, words with horizontal symmetry are palindromes. All horizontal symmetrical words are palindromes, but not all palindromes have horizontal symmetry. (like racecar)
Probably the most direct alternative to "but" is "yet". The two words can usually interchange if they're used as conjunctions, but there may still be differences between their respective uses. Some other words or phrases, like "however", "instead", "still", or "on the other hand" may require using different conjunctive styles like the semicolon.
Some language guides will tell you that 'farther' should be used for distance and that 'further' should be used in the sense of 'moreover', these words have been interchangeable for many, many years. Even the Old English origin for both words translates as 'to a great distance or long ago'. The Greek translation for both is 'across or beyond'
Some words that sound like igloo:AccrueAdieuAdoAndrewAnewArgueAskewBambooBantuBayouBestrewBlewBlueBooBreakthroughBrewCanoeCashewChewClewClueConstrueContinueCooCorkscrewCrewCuckooCueCurfewDebutDewDoDrewDueEmuEnsueEweFewFlewFlueFluGlueGnuGooGrewGuruHaikuHairdoHebrewHeretoHewHinduHonoluluHoodooHorseshoeHueHughHullabalooImbueImpromptuIntoIssueKazooKnewKudzuLieuLuluMenuMewMildewMiscueMisdoMooMuumuuNephewNewOutdoOutgrewPewPoohPursueQueueRescueRueScrewShoeShooShrewSkewSlewSlueSpewStewStrewSubdueSueTabooTattooTheretoThrewThroughThumbscrewTissueToTooTributeTrueTwoUndueUntoUntrueVenueViewVoodooWaterlooWazooWheretoWhewWhoWithdrewWooYahooYewYouZebuZooZulu
Some words that sound like "net" include pet, wet, and get.
Some words that have the same ending sound as who and to are:blewbluebrewcluechewcluecoocoupcrewcuedewdodrewdueeweflewflufluegluegnugoogrewhewhueknewlieuloomewmoonewpewphewpoohqueuerouxruescrewshoeshooshrewskewslewspewstewstrewsuethrewthroughtootruetwoviewwooyewyouzoo
Some words that sound like Angela include angel, angle, angelic, and angler.
Some examples of words that end with "ey" and sound like "ay" are ballet, convey, and survey.
Some words that sound like "lime" are dime, time, climb, chime, and rhyme.
Some examples of words that sound like the noise they make include "buzz," "hiss," "crunch," and "sizzle."
Technically, it isn't, but it does sound like it. Some words like lonely, the "y" sound like an "e"
Some examples of words that end in "g" but sound like a "j" include "ring," "bring," and "sing."
Some words with the long a sound spelled like steak are: break, great, and straight.