No. Future is a noun, also used as an adjunct or adjective (future tense, future needs). To express something that seems like a future form, you can use the adjective futuristic and the adverb futuristically.
math will help you in your future
The future tense is will mow.
The future tense of done is will do.
The future tense is will weave.
he is from the future!!
you will find out when the future comes, be patient.
he doesnt future trunks comes back into the past
The future is unknown.
He was in his own room
No. The idea for this comes from science fiction. In a sense you could say your children are the future of you.
The past is connected to the future by its time line.The world in the future will be heated by the sun, then the world comes back together again!
a world verb is some thing that comes in the future
ALbert einstein
She comes when u go to the future.
Not so far .... Maybe in the future :)
An Orginazation that comes from the future to correct the path of the humans (if youre prefering to yugioh)