This is not an idiom. It is a measurement. $100,000 is how you write it in numbers.
Nothing. The correct idiom is "ace in the hole," which literally means that you have an ace card (the highest value in the deck) hidden away somewhere so you can win the card game. It's come to mean any situation where you have a hidden advantage or something you can "pull out" to win the situation.
"Bring some objectivity into the matter under discussion", don't just rely on subjective factors.
Something that has easily been or will easily be achieved. It can mean something is way ahead of something and will complete a task long before others, or has already done so.
It means you feel great, you feel like you're worth a million bucks
Over there.
Over a Barrel: helpless, at a disadvantage
It's not an idiom because it means just what it seems to mean. You should stay on the side of the fence that you are currently on and not climb over.
I don't know what you mean by "common phrases of," but the idiom "over and above" just means "more than what was agreed upon."
sit down come over to
This isn't an idiom because you can figure it out if you look up the word "pins." It is a SLANG term meaning legs, so you knocked him over.
In a difficult situation that causes people to be worried and upset over something or someone
It is not an idiom, it means your nose is itching.
RFP is not an idiom. It's an abbreviation.
It's not really an idiom. It means "what are you thinking about."
"Head over heels in love" would be one idiom.
It means that the game is over and that you have lost and that you souldnt have tried to do the thing in the first place!