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The pronoun 'your' is a possessive adjective, a word that describes a noun as belonging to the person spoken to (second person), you.

The noun described as belonging to you is a word in the third person.

Example: I picked up your book from the library. (The noun phrase 'your book' is third person, the thing spoken about.)

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Q: What is another way to use your in third person?
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The easiest way to do it is by seeing what you can see. for example, if you can see what the person is feeling, its third person limited or 1st person. but if you don't really know what anyone is thinking, then its third person omniscient.

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You can refer to a third person by using pronouns such as "he," "she," or "they," depending on the gender identity or preference of the person you are talking about. Additionally, using the person's name is also a common way to refer to them when speaking in the third person.

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