Casually in every day language ; YES!!! In mathemetica ; NO. A Circle is a complete loop. with no change of radius. A Curve does not make a complete loop and can change its radii. e.g. the Sine Curve.
An abacate is another word for an avocado, directly borrowed from the Portuguese word for the fruit.
une courbe
The bell curve graph is another name for a normal (Gaussian) distribution graph. A Gaussian function is a certain kind of function whose graph results in a bell-shaped curve.
Another word is but
bow, curve :):)
stiff legs.
Legs that curve out are called bowlegged. They start with the letters BO.
Another word is crowhop.
Legs that curve out are called several things including bandiness or bandy-leg.Probably the most common is bow-legs or bowed leggs
bowed, curved, domed, embowed, rounded
Quadripedal or quadriped.
The root word for curved is "curve."