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Same, equivalent, alike.

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Q: What is the antonym of different?
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What is an antonym for same?


What is an antonym for similar?


Antonym of identical?

Identical means the same so an antonym for identical is different.

What is an antonym for tiger?

Although there do exist animals who are dramatically different from tigers, there really is no antonym to tiger. Not every word has an antonym, you know.

What is the antonym of myriads?

Un unique different

What is a antonym for the word lyric?

discord but this is for melody. concordthe is not a antonym for the word lyric but song is different and similar

If you were to have an antonym would you put it in the different column or the alike column?


What is the antonym for 'correlation'?

Not mutually the same, different, opposing.

What is an antonym for the word different?

same, indifferent, multi

What is a antonym for different?

same usual ordinary normal

What is the antonym words for different?

similar, same, indifferent,

What is a synonym and antonym and homophone for decided?

a synonym is a word with different spelling but the same meaning an antonym is a word with opposite meaning a homophone is a word having the same pronunciations with different meanings