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As of 22 January 2014, the melt value of a U.S. silver quarter (dated before 1965) is $3.58.

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Q: What is the melt value of a silver quarter?
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The silver melt value of the dimes are about $2 each and the quarter melt value is about $5.45 so the scrap melt value would be about $11.45.

How much would silver quarter be worth?

The silver melt value would be around $2.60.

What is the melt value of a silver 1964 quarter?

As of May 24 2011 the melt value of a 1964 quarter is $6.47. This price will change as the price of silver and copper changes. This answer is based upon silver at a spot price of %35.77 per oz and copper at $4 per pound.

Value of silver in a quarter?

Silver prices have been dipping over the last few weeks, so the current melt value of a US silver quarter (minted before 1965) is a little under $6.

What is the value of a quarter 90 percent silver?

Going by melt value alone, one is currently worth about $6.

How much is a 1956 quarter?

Unless the quarter is in mint-state or a proof, the value would be the melt value of the silver in the coin which is $3.80ish as of this time of writing, but changes depending on the spot price of silver.

What is a single 1964 Washington silver quarter worth in silver?

A 1964 Washington silver quarter contains 0.18084 troy ounces of silver. At current market prices, the value of the silver in a single quarter would be around $3.

What is a single silver quarter worth in silver?

Going purely by melt value, a U.S. quarter minted before 1965 is currently worth about $5.50 for the silver (as of 11 January 2013).

Silver quarters how much they worth?

As of 20 December 2015, one U.S. silver quarter is worth $2.56 in melt value.

Is a 1944 quarter special?

Is not a valuable pre 1965 silver quarter. It's worth keeping though as it has a melt value of a around $5.

What is the value of a pre 1965 silver quarter?

The melt value, which only takes into account the coin's metal content and not its collector value, is currently about $5.

What is the fine silver content of 1940 quarter?

90%. They have a melt value of around $6. The last year they made them was 1964.