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my question is what is a opposite word for satisfaction?

i think it is dissatisfaction

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Q: What is the opposite word for satisfaction?
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The Tagalog word for "satisfaction" is "kasiyahan."

Is satisfaction a noun?

Yes, the word 'satisfaction' is a noun, a word for fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs; a word for an emotional feeling; a word for reparation or compensation for a wrong, a word for a thing.

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There was a look of satisfaction on his face as he finished his maths exam.

What is a sentence for the word satisfaction?

The asker felt a sense of satisfaction when his question was answered. It seems to have been answered to my satisfaction. The satisfaction of our clients is our primary concern.

Use the word satisfaction in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.I won't give that bully the satisfaction of seeing me cry.She has the satisfaction of knowing she is right."I can't get no satisfaction." ("Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones)

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The opposite meaning of dissatisfaction is satisfaction. It refers to a feeling of contentment or fulfillment with a situation, result, or experience.

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