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Q: What is the second letter of the first word of the initial meaning of PHP?
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How do you spell inicel?

The word is likely "initial" (a letter abbreviation, or adjective meaning first).

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What does initial mean?

Answeryour initial is the first letter of your first or last name.Answerthe first letter of your first and last name

What is first letter of a word called?

The first letter of a word is the initial.

What is initial caps?

Initial Caps are when you capitalize the first letter of each word.

What is an initail?

"Initial" means first or beginning. It refers to the first letter of a name or word, or the first step in a process.

What is the initial for 'omni'?

O is an initial for 'omni'. It's the first letter in the word. The entire word is Latin for 'all'.

How are these name similar Christian Dior anne Boleyn edna ferber Indiana Jones?

The first letter of the second name alphabetically follows the first letter of the first name and the second letter of the second name alphabetically follows the second letter of the first name.

What is the word for an illuminated first letter of a paragraph?

It is simply called an initial.

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What is the name for the first letter in a word?

A word's first letter is its initial character. When the word is part of a phrase, the initial letters of the words form an acronym. For example, a common acronym is asap for "as soon as possible".

First of first is the first of you second of you is the double of you first of last is the last of you Tell me who are you?

The riddle is describing a sequence where the first letter of the word "first" is 'f', the second letter of the word "you" is 'o', the double of 'f' is 'ff' (the second letter of "off"), the first letter of the word "last" is 'l', and the last letter of "you" is 'u'. Putting it all together, the answer is "follow."