The sort code for Natwest Peterborough branch is 54-21-38
This sort code is being used by NatWest Bank. It is assigned to the Woolwich branch.
The sort code for the NatWest bank on the British isle of Jersey is 60-95-41. The branch is located in Saint Helier.
There are several branches of Natwest in Jersey which should all have their own unique sort codes. The main branch for offshore banking is NatWest International Personal Banking PO Box 554 16 Library Place St Helier Jersey JE4 8NH Channel Islands Tel: +44 (0)1534 282300 Fax: +44 (0)1534 285616 and the sort code there is 60-12-03 PDN 21/4/09
This sort code is being used by Barclays Bank. It is assigned to the Stockport branch.
This sort code belongs to National Westminster Bank. This code is assigned to the Rustington branch.
This sort code is being used by NatWest It is assigned to the Peterborough branch.
National Westminister Bank, Cathedral Square, Peterborough PE1 1HW
The NatWest branch with sort code 600714 is the Manchester Business Centre branch.
what natwest branch has sort code 60-06-06
wish natwest bank has this sort code 560045
This sort code belongs to a Natwest in Sheffield
The sort code 60-09-27 is associated with NatWest's Birmingham Broad Street branch.
Natwest, Bexleyheath Branch.
This Natwest branch sort code 56-00-09 is the branch of a sample bank in Hartfordshire.
This sort code is being used by NatWest Bank. It is assigned to the Woolwich branch.
The sort code 602253 corresponds to the NatWest branch located in Weybridge, UK.
Sort code 57-80-06 is NOT a NatWest branch. So the answe is: None of them :)